Just the fun stuff

Just the fun stuff

Bacteria Logo

I wanted to make my site’s logo more authentically “me”. So I used my own blood, sweat and tears (really just the sweat & saliva) to grow one.
It was not worth the smell.


Spent quarantine learning how to make rugs because I needed more ways to take up space in my parent’s garage.
They were getting too comfortable.


Another quarantine project - I designed a drinking game that is a combination of King’s Cup and Pizza Box (that might be a Toronto-specific reference, but I’m sure you get the idea.)

Nerd Alert

I built this site to help quickly & efficiently make fun of my friends when they talk about math…or books…or other topics that frankly don’t interest me.
Click here to try it out yourself

Water Cooler Chatbot

Ontario had one of the longest lockdowns in the world during the pandemic. I started to miss even the most mundane, boring, exhausting, my-brain-leaves-my-body office small talk. So we made a website that could fill that void.

Made with Ronen Goldfarb

Big Game Bot

 Year after year, people across the world awkwardly sit in silence at their friends’ Super Bowl parties with nothing to contribute to the conversation. But this year, instead of snacking on seven-layer dip in solitude, you can finally bro out with the best of them thanks to the Big Game Bot. The Big Game Bot uses AI to randomly generate football commentary during the Big Game, transforming you into a god of the gridiron. Check it out at biggamebot.com

Made with Ronen Goldfarb

GIF Grams

We were asked to create some Valentines Day cards for our fellow TAXI employees. But sending someone a PDF, PNG or worst of all, a JPG (barf) really takes the romance out of it, don’t you think? We’re millennials, we express ourselves through GIFs.

Made with Ronen Goldfarb


Great medium to use when you have a tiny apartment and zero space.


Bad Ideas